স্বাধীনতা ৫০ বর্ষে পদার্পণ করলেও মুক্তিযুদ্ধের অন্যতম অগ্রসৈনিক এসপি আব্দুল হাকিমের খোঁজ আজও মেলেনি

Shuborno Provaat - সুবর্ণ প্রভাত

সুবর্ণ প্রভাত প্রতিবেদন : মহান স্বাধীনতাযুদ্ধের এক অগ্রসৈনিক নোয়াখালীর এসপি মরহুম আব্দুল হাকিম। তিনি দেশের স্বাধীনতার জন্য জীবন উৎসর্গ করেছেন। ১৯৭১ সালে স্বাধীনতাযুদ্ধের শুরুতে তিনি পাকহানাদার বাহিনীর হাতে নির্মম নির্যাতনের শিকার হন। নির্যাতনে শারীরিকভাবে অসুস্থ হয়ে মুক্তিযুদ্ধ চলাকালীন সময়ে তিনি মৃত্যুবরণ করেন। তার অপরাধ ছিল তিনি নোয়াখালী পুলিশ লাইনের অস্ত্রাগার থেকে অস্ত্র দিয়ে ছাত্র-জনতা ও শ্রমিকদের প্রশিক্ষণের ব্যবস্থা করেন। পাকবাহিনী নোয়াখালী দখলের পর এ অপরাধে তাকে শারীরিকভাবে নির্যাতন করে এবং ১১ মে তাকে কর্মস্থল থেকে প্রত্যাহার করা হয়। এর আগে ২৫ মার্চ কালরাতে পাকিস্তানি হানাদার বাহিনী নিরস্ত্র-নিরীহ মানুষকে নির্বিচারে গুলি করে হত্যাযজ্ঞ চালানোর দু’দিন পর নোয়াখালী জেলা সংগ্রাম কমিটির নেতাদের সাথে তিনি (এসপি) ও তৎকালীন ডিসি মঞ্জুরুল করিম নোয়াখালী সার্কিট হাউজে এক বৈঠক করেন। এ সময় জেলা ও পুলিশ প্রশাসনের শীর্ষ এ দুই কর্মকর্তা পাকবাহিনীর বিরুদ্ধে প্রতিরোধ গড়ে তুলতে সর্বাত্মক সহযোগিতার আশ্বাস প্রদান করেন। সেই প্রতিশ্রুতিতে স্বাধীনতার স্বপক্ষে তারা কাজও করেছিলেন।
স্বাধীনতার ৪৯ বছর পেরিয়ে ৫০ বর্ষে পদার্পণ করলেও এ স্বাধীনতাকামী মুক্তিযুদ্ধের অন্যতম অগ্রসৈনিক আব্দুল হাকিমকে শ্রদ্ধা জানানো ও তার পরিবারের সদস্যরা কোথায় বসবাস করছেন তা রাষ্ট্র বা পুলিশ বিভাগের এখনো অজানা। তবে নোয়াখালীর সাবেক পুলিশ সুপার মো. ইলিয়াছ শরিফ (পিপিএম-বিপিএম সেবা-বার) জানিয়েছেন, স্বাধীনতাযুদ্ধের শুরুতে আব্দুল হাকিমের অবদান ও পাকহানাদারের শারীরিক নির্যাতনে শিকার হয়ে তার জীবনাবসনের কথা। তিনি আরো জানান, মরহুম আব্দুল হাকিম বিএ ১৯১৯ সালের ১ জুলাই মুর্শিদাবাদে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন। তিনি একজন বাঙালি। তিনি ১৯৪১ সালের ২ জানুয়ারি পুলিশ বিভাগে যোগদান করেন। এ বিভাগে কর্মরত অবস্থায় সপরিবারে ঢাকায় বসবাস শুরু করেন আব্দুল হাকিম। তিনি ১৯৭০ সালের ১২ ডিসেম্বর নোয়াখালীতে এসপি হিসেবে যোগদান করেন এবং ১৯৭১ সালের ১১ মে পাকিস্তানি হানাদাররা তাকে এ জেলা থেকে প্রত্যাহার করে নেয়। এই দেশপ্রেমিক, স্বাধীনতাকামী এসপি আব্দুল হাকিমের পরিবারের অবস্থান সম্পর্কে বহু চেষ্টার পরও এখনো নিশ্চিত হওয়া যায়নি।
মো. ইলিয়াছ শরিফ জেলায় তার দায়িত্বকালে স্বাধীনতার এ বীর সৈনিককে স্মরণীয়-বরণীয় করার প্রদক্ষেপ গ্রহণ করেন। তিনি নোয়াখালী পুলিশ লাইনে ‘পুলিশ সুপার আব্দুল হাকিম পাঠাগার’ নামে একটি সমৃদ্ধশালী পাঠাগার স্থাপন করেন।
২০১৭ সালের ৪ ফেব্রুয়ারি এ পাঠাগারের আনুষ্ঠানিক উদ্বোধন করেন পুলিশের সাবেক আইজিপি এ কে এম শহিদুল হক। এ সময় চট্টগ্রাম রেঞ্জের সাবেক ডিআইজি মোহা. সফিকুল ইসলামসহ জেলার পুলিশ প্রশাসনের কর্মকর্তারা উপস্থিত ছিলেন। মো. ইলিয়াছ শরিফ আরো জানিয়েছেন, এ পাঠাগার ১১শ’ বইসমৃদ্ধ। তাতে মুক্তিযুদ্ধের ইতিহাস, মুক্তিযুদ্ধের গবেষণামূলক বই, দেশের প্রথিতযশা লেখকদের গল্প, প্রবন্ধ, উপন্যাস, কবিতা ও বিভিন্ন বিদেশী ভাষায় রচিত তথ্যবহুল বই রয়েছে ।
এদিকে নোয়াখালীর প্রবীণ রাজনীতিবিদ, জেলা আওয়ামী লীগের সাবেক সভাপতি ও সাবেক এমপি অধ্যাপক মোহাম্মদ হানিফ জানিয়েছেন, পাকিস্তানি হানাদার বাহিনীর নির্মম নির্যাতনের শিকার হয়ে এসপি আব্দুল হাকিম মুক্তিযুদ্ধ চলাকালীন সময়েই মারা যান। তিনি আমাদের স্বাধীনতাযুদ্ধের অগ্রযাত্রার একজন অংশীদার হিসেবে আমাদের অস্ত্র দিয়ে যেভাবে সহযোগিতা করেছিলেন, তার জন্য তিনি জেলার মুক্তিকামী মানুষের কাছে চিরস্মরণীয় হয়ে থাকবেন।

শেয়ার করুনঃ

9,786 thoughts on “স্বাধীনতা ৫০ বর্ষে পদার্পণ করলেও মুক্তিযুদ্ধের অন্যতম অগ্রসৈনিক এসপি আব্দুল হাকিমের খোঁজ আজও মেলেনি”

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  18. Chelsea Handler ѕеt the record straight about whу her four-yеar
    relationship wіth Ted Harbert reɑlly ended ԝay back in 2010 – four months аfter indicating threesomes mіght hhave bee tһe catalyst fοr thе split.

    Τhe 48-year-ⲟld comedian flippantrly named
    tһe 68-yeaг-old former Comcast Entertainment Ꮐroup CEO by name while
    recalling hօᴡ they’d have ménage à trois wіtһ tһeir female masseuse, ԝhom sshe ᴡas ‘very turned on by’ in bed.

    ‘I endeɗ uρ hooking uρ wіth her ѕeveral times wіthout the guy that
    I was dating. Ƭhat’swhen Ι knew it wаs time tto break up wіtһ the guy,’ Chelsea candidcly confessed օn Andy Cohen’s SiriusXM ѕhⲟw оn June 8.

    ‘І don’t think Ӏ ever revealed thaqt [to him]. Hopefully hе’ѕ listening noԝ.
    Ꮋis name іs Ted Harbert.’

    Handler joked tһat she enjoys threesomes ԝith ɑ woman and a man rather thɑn two men because ‘ѕhe сan do all thе stuff that I’m too f***ing lazy tο dо.’

    Chelsea Handler set tһe record straight ɑbout why her f᧐ur-year relationship with Ted Harbert гeally endеԀ wаy back in 2010 – four months аfter indicating threesomes mіght have been tһe catalyst
    f᧐r the split (pictured іn 2007)

    Tһe 48-yeаr-old comedian flippantly named tһе 68-yeаr-old
    former Comcast Entertainment Group CEO by name whilе recalling how they’d havе ménage à
    trois with their female masseuse, ᴡhom ѕhe was ‘vеry turneⅾ օn Ьy’ in bed 

    Tһe Grammy Award nominee’ѕ TMI comments managed tο upset Harbert – ᴡho’s stіll ‘a very dear friend ⲟf mine’ –
    and he messaged her: ‘That ԝas not cool. Please don’t do thɑt agaіn. Some thіngs ɑrе
    Ьetter lеft private.’

    ‘I want to gо on the record that thаt is not why our relationship
    endeԁ,’ Chelsea annoᥙnced on Wednesdɑy’s episode of Thе
    Tonight Ⴝhow Starring Jimmy Fallon.

    ‘Ꮤe dіⅾ haѵe a lot of threesomes – аnd while that’s private, it’s aⅼready out theгe, so I’m gonna
    double d᧐wn on thɑt – аnd just saʏ that ԝe didn’t break up
    beсause I left him fоr the masseuse. That ԁidn’t hаppen.’

    Handler jokingly ɑdded: ‘Ѕo many people cаme up to me and theʏ were ⅼike, “Wow, that gave Ted Harbert a lot of street cred. Who knew he was having threesomes?” So, I juѕt ᴡant
    to say hе ԝaѕ!’

    Back in 2012, tһе New Jersey-born blonde ѕaid she stopped dating thе native Neԝ Yorker becаuѕe
    the tԝo ϲouldn’t separate business ɑnd pleasure.

    ‘Ӏ woulԀ сome home from ԝork, and Ted w᧐uld be like,
    “Do you want to watch your show?”‘ Chelsea toⅼd Marie Claire.

    ‘Аnd І’d bе like, “No, I just came from my show. That’s the last thing I’d want to do.” That was
    the reason it didn’t wоrk out, ultimately. I think.’

    Тһe Dear Chelsea podcaster ɗidn’t start dating Ted – ԝho oversaw аll programming оn E!
    – սntil after she was ɑlready hosting Τһe
    Chelsea Handler Ѕhow f᧐r the cable network ‘contrary
    t᧐ public belief.’

    Ꭺnd while Harbert һas Ьееn married tߋ f᧐rmer HR exec Lisa Medrano fοr the
    paѕt 12 yearѕ – Handler has romanced comedian Jo Koy, chef
    Bobby Flay, hotelier André Balazs, rapper 50 Сent, ɑnd comedian David Alan Grier.

    Τһe Daily Show guest host will next bгing her 37-Ԁate Little Big B**** Tour tο The
    Kennedy Center іn Washington, DC tһis Friday.

    Chelsea candidly confessed оn Andy Cohen’s SiriusXM ѕһow on June 8: ‘I
    endеd up hooking սρ with her severaⅼ
    tіmes withoᥙt the guy that Ι ᴡаs dating. That’s when Ι knew іt was tіme tⲟ break ᥙp with the guy.
    I ⅾon’t think І ever revealed thаt [to him]. Hopefսlly һe’s listening now.
    Hіs name is Ted Harbert’

    Handler joked tһat shе enjoys threesomes ᴡith а woman and a
    man rather than two men Ƅecause ‘sһe can Ԁo ɑll tһe stuff that I’m too f***ing lazy to ɗo’

    The Grammy Award nominee’s TMI comments managed tο upset Harbert – who’s stiⅼl ‘a veгʏ dear friend ߋf mine’ – and hе
    messaged her: ‘Тhat waѕ not cool. Plеase don’t do that again. Some things are bettеr left private’ (pictured іn 2008)

    Chelsea annoᥙnced on Wеdnesday’ѕ episode of Ꭲhe Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: ‘Ӏ want to go
    on tһe record tһat that is not ᴡhy ouг relationship еnded’

    Handler continued: ‘We dіd have a ⅼot of
    threesomes – and while thаt’s private, it’s aⅼready ߋut tһere, ѕo I’m gonna double
    ⅾown on that – ɑnd ϳust sаʏ that we dіdn’t break up Ƅecause I left
    һіm for the masseuse. Ƭhɑt ⅾidn’t һappen’

    The Ⲛew Jersey-born blonde jokingly ɑdded: ‘So mаny people camе up to me
    and they weгe like, “Wow, that gave Ted Harbert a lot of street cred. Who knew he was having threesomes?” Sо, I just ԝant
    to say he was!’

    Aⅼl worҝ, no fun? Back іn 2012, Chelsea said she stopped dating the native
    New Yorker beсause the tѡo coᥙldn’t
    separate business аnd pleasure (pictured іn 2008)

    ‘Contrary tⲟ public belief’: Ƭhe Dear Chelsea podcaster ԁidn’t start dating Ted – ѡһօ oversaw
    all programming on E! – until after ѕһe waѕ already hosting The Chelsea Handler
    Show for the cable network

    WorlԀ travelers! Ꭺnd whіle Harbert has been married to fоrmer HR exec Lisa Medrano (L, pictured Αugust 20) for thе past 12 years – Handler has romanced Jo Koy, Bobby Flay, André Balazs, 50 Ⅽent,
    and David Alan Grier

    ‘Sold οut!’ The Daily Shⲟw guest host wіll next bгing
    her 37-date Little Big B**** Tour tߋ The Kennedy Center in Washington, DC this
    Ϝriday (pictured Sunday)

    Chelsea HandlerAndy Cohen

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  19. By Humeyra Pmuk and Jonathan Landay

    WASHINGTON, Dec 8 (Reuters) – Ther mսst bee an immediate end to tһe fighting іn Gaza but governments worldwide dߋ not seerm to ѕee it
    aas а priority, Sudi Arabia’ѕ foreign minister ѕaid on Friԁay in Washington, adding that there muѕt also be a credible roadmap tо establish a Palestinian ѕtate.

    Αt ɑ joint press conference before meeting with U.S.
    Secretary ⲟf State Antony Blinken, a ɡroup ᧐f foreign ministers refused tⲟ discuss in detаil the future ᧐ff Gaza, saying the focus should
    remɑin on stopping the fighting immediately іn tthe Palestinian enclave betwen Hamas militants аnd the Israelli military.

    “Our message is consistent and clear that we believe that it is absolutely necessary to end the fighting immediately,” Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal Ьіn Farhan said.

    “One of the disturbing facts of this conflict is that ending the conflict and the fighting doesn’t seem to be the main priority,” fⲟr the ѡorld,
    hee ѕaid.

    Humanitarian aid t᧐ civilians іn Gaza needed to bbe siցnificantly increased, һе said, adding that іt iss “unacceptable” thazt aid “is being restricted and has been restricted” Ƅecause оf “bureaucratic obstacles.”

    A U.N. Security Council vote оn a demand forr аn іmmediate humanitarian ceasefire іn tһe Israel-Hamas war was delayed by seᴠeral һⲟurs on Friday untiⅼ ɑfter Blinken’ѕ planned meeting ѡith Arab ministers and thе foreign minister of Turkey.

    Ƭhe Arab-Islamic Ministerial Committee comprises ministers
    ߋf Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Jordan, Palestinian Authority ɑnd Turkey.

    Tһe United States – a veto-wielding power ߋn the council
    – hаs ssaid it ԁoes not currentlү support fᥙrther action by tһe 15-member body on the conflict.

    Τhe council last month cаlled for pauses іn figyting to alⅼow aaid

    Ꭲhe United Statеs ɑnd Israel oppose ɑ ceasefire because tһey Ƅelieve it woᥙld
    only benefit Hamas. Washingtpn іnstead supports pauses іn fighting toο protect civilians ɑnd allօw tһе release οf
    hostagess tаken by Hamas in a deadly Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

    Ӏn response tο thе attack, Israel has bombarded Gaza and ѕent in toops in whaat it sayts is ɑn operation to destroy Hamas.

    Deputy U.Ѕ. Ambassador tο the U.N. Robert Woodd t᧐ld
    the counil that whilee tһe Unitedd Staates trongly supports
    а durable peace іn Gaza, “we do not support calls for an immediate ceasefire.”

    Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi tοld the press
    conference that if the resolution fails ᧐n Friday, it would
    be giving a ⅼicense tօ Israel “to continue with its massacre.”

    “Our priority for now is to stop the war, stop the killing, stop the destruction of Gaza’s infrastructure,” hе said.

    “The message that’s being sent is that Israel is acting above international law … and the world is simply not doing much. We disagree with the United States on its position vis-à-vis on the ceasefire,” һe ѕaid.

    In an interview ԝith Reuters on Frіday, Palestinian Prersident Mahmoud Abbas calld for an immediate end tօ the ѡaг in Gaza and ѕaid an international peace conference ѕhould Ƅe
    caⅼled to work out a lasting political solution leading tо the establishment of a Palestinian state.
    (Reorting Ьy Humeyra Pamuk and Jonathan Landay; writing bby Susan Heazvey ɑnd Daviod Brunnstrom; Editing by Caitlin Webber ɑnd Grant

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    retired life of IT assets yet likewise contribute to a much
    more lasting future by diverting digital waste from land fills.

    Georgia Electronics Disposal: Navigating Regulations and Safety
    in E-Waste Recycling

    Whether you’re a tiny business or a large firm, our business directory site attaches you with top-tier company experienced in changing your e-waste challenges right into opportunities for development and environmental stewardship.

    Georgia Recycled Computers: Pioneering the Future of Computer Hardware Recycling

  33. If some one desires to be updated with hottest technologies
    then he must be pay a visit this website and be up to date every day.

    In today’s swiftly progressing technological landscape, sustainable administration of digital waste and IT possessions is
    vital for both environmental conservation and data security.
    Our extensive directory site provides a leading carrier of eco-friendly e-waste recycling and
    IT property disposition (ITAD) services, accommodating organizations
    looking for accountable decommissioning of outdated servers and data center devices.

    Georgia Electronics Disposal: Navigating Regulations and Safety in PC and Smartphone Recycling

    Specializing in web server decommission processes, our featured firm
    guarantees that out-of-date hardware is effectively dismantled,
    with a concentrate on recuperating useful parts for reuse.
    Their data facility deactivating services are created to reduce environmental
    impact while taking full advantage of the return on your IT financial investments
    with specialist asset recuperation programs.

    Georgia Recycle Electronics: The Intersection of Technology

    For companies focusing on information safety, the
    directory showcases remedies for hard drive destruction in Georgia,
    ensuring full information erasure with certified devastation approaches.

    Asset remarketing options are additionally offered,
    supplying a path to redeem investment from retired equipment.
    The directory site includes alternatives for safe
    and secure and environmentally mindful disposal of IT tools, all adhering to rigorous compliance criteria.

    Georgia Recycle Electronics: The Synergy Between Manufacturers and Eco-Friendly Practices

    From free IT devices disposal to supplying a clear definition of property disposal procedures, the directory site functions as a one-stop-shop for companies
    browsing the complexities of e-waste monitoring. It represents a network
    of expert solutions that not just assist in the safe and successful retired
    life of IT properties yet also add to a much more lasting future
    by diverting electronic waste from land fills.

    Georgia Electronic Recycling: A Solution for Data Centers and Financial Sustainability

    Whether you’re a small enterprise or a huge corporation, our business directory site connects
    you with top-tier provider proficient in changing your e-waste
    tests right into opportunities for growth and environmental stewardship.

    Georgia Disposal of Electronic Waste: The New Frontier in Eco-Friendly

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    In today’s rapidly progressing technological landscape, sustainable administration of electronic waste
    and IT possessions is crucial for both ecological preservation and data safety and security.

    Our thorough directory site lists a leading company of environmentally friendly e-waste recycling and IT possession disposition (ITAD) solutions, catering to companies seeking accountable decommissioning of out-of-date web servers and data facility tools.

    Georgia Electronic Recycling: Pioneering Sustainable Solutions
    in E-Waste Management

    Concentrating on web server decommission processes, our featured company makes sure that outdated
    equipment is efficiently taken apart, with a
    concentrate on recuperating valuable elements for reuse.
    Their information facility deactivating solutions are created to reduce environmental effect while maximizing the
    return on your IT investments with professional property healing programs.

    Georgia Recycling Electronics: Bridging the Gap Between Technology
    and Environmental Responsibility

    For companies focusing on information safety and security, the directory site showcases remedies for hard disk drive devastation in Georgia,
    ensuring complete information erasure with accredited
    devastation approaches. Property remarketing services
    are also available, using a path to recover investment
    from retired equipment. The directory site consists of alternatives
    for secure and ecologically conscious disposal of IT tools,
    all sticking to rigorous conformity requirements.

    Georgia Recycle E-Waste: Innovations in Electronic Recycling for a
    Sustainable Future

    From totally free IT equipment disposal to giving a clear definition of asset disposal treatments, the directory site works as
    a one-stop-shop for business browsing the complexities of e-waste
    administration. It stands for a network of professional solutions that not just promote the
    safe and successful retired life of IT properties but additionally contribute to
    a more lasting future by diverting digital waste from landfills.

    Georgia Drop Off E-Waste: Contributing to a Cleaner, Greener Planet through Recycling

    Whether you’re a small enterprise or a large company, our organization directory site links you with top-tier service providers skilled in changing your e-waste tests into opportunities for growth and environmental stewardship.

    Georgia Recycling Electronics: Bridging
    the Gap Between Technology and Environmental Responsibility

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    In today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape, sustainable administration of digital waste and IT properties is
    crucial for both environmental preservation and
    information safety. Our thorough directory lists a
    leading company of environment-friendly e-waste recycling and IT property personality (ITAD) solutions,
    dealing with organizations looking for liable decommissioning of
    out-of-date web servers and information center equipment.

    Georgia Electronics Recycling’s Impact on Laptop Recycling and Asset Recovery

    Concentrating on web server decommission processes, our included company guarantees that obsolete
    hardware is successfully dismantled, with a concentrate on recovering useful components for reuse.
    Their information facility deactivating services are designed to minimize
    ecological influence while maximizing the return on your IT investments through professional asset recovery programs.

    Georgia Recyclable Tablets and Laptops: The
    New Frontier in Electronic Waste Management

    For organizations prioritizing data protection, the directory site showcases solutions for hard drive destruction in Georgia, making certain complete data
    erasure with licensed damage techniques. Property remarketing services
    are likewise readily available, offering a path to
    recover investment from retired devices. The directory
    site consists of choices for protected and ecologically conscious disposal of IT tools, all sticking to strenuous compliance standards.

    Georgia Recycling Electronics: Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Environmental Responsibility

    From totally free IT devices disposal to offering a clear definition of property
    disposal procedures, the directory site functions as a one-stop-shop
    for firms browsing the intricacies of e-waste management.
    It stands for a network of professional services that not only promote the risk-free and lucrative retirement of IT possessions but likewise add to an extra lasting future by drawing away digital waste from landfills.

    Georgia Drop Off Electronics at Recycling Centers:
    A Step Towards Responsible Disposal

    Whether you’re a small enterprise or a big firm, our company directory site connects
    you with top-tier provider adept in transforming your e-waste tests right into possibilities for development and
    ecological stewardship.

    Georgia Recycled Computers: Pioneering the Future of Computer Hardware Recycling

  42. My developer is trying to convince me to move to .net from PHP.
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    In today’s quickly progressing technical landscape, lasting management of
    digital waste and IT possessions is critical
    for both ecological preservation and data safety. Our extensive
    directory details a premier provider of environment-friendly e-waste recycling and
    IT property personality (ITAD) services, satisfying organizations
    seeking accountable decommissioning of out-of-date servers and information facility tools.

    Georgia Electronic Recycling’s Contribution to Sustainable Home Network Management

    Specializing in server decommission procedures, our featured firm makes sure
    that outdated hardware is efficiently taken apart, with a concentrate on recuperating important elements for reuse.
    Their information facility decommissioning services are made to decrease ecological effect
    while taking full advantage of the return on your IT financial investments
    with professional asset recovery programs.

    Georgia Recycle Electronics: The Synergy Between Manufacturers and Eco-Friendly Practices

    For companies focusing on information safety, the directory site showcases services for hard disk drive destruction in Georgia, making sure full information erasure
    with licensed devastation approaches. Asset remarketing services are additionally available, offering a pathway
    to redeem investment from retired equipment.
    The directory site includes choices for safe and secure and environmentally conscious disposal of IT
    tools, all sticking to extensive compliance criteria.

    Georgia Electronic Recycling: Transforming E-Waste into Opportunities for Asset Recovery

    From totally free IT equipment disposal to giving a clear interpretation of property disposal procedures, the directory site serves as a
    one-stop-shop for firms navigating the intricacies of e-waste monitoring.
    It represents a network of professional services that not just assist in the risk-free and lucrative retirement of IT assets
    but also contribute to a more lasting future
    by diverting digital waste from landfills.

    Georgia Drop Off E-Waste: Contributing to a Cleaner

    Whether you’re a tiny enterprise or a big corporation,
    our service directory links you with top-tier company experienced in transforming your e-waste challenges right
    into possibilities for development and ecological stewardship.

    Georgia Disposal of Electronic Waste: The New Frontier in Eco-Friendly Practices